So many unused domain names and what to do with them.
So you have that shiny domain name. Well, you might have several domain names - I confess. I have 68. The only problem is you've had those domain names
for several years now and those domains either still look like below.
Or they error out completely.
How did we get here?
Of course you started out with a good intention. You bought that domain name thinking it would be awesome for that $1B idea you had.
So you act on your impulse, fork out $20 on GoDaddy and buy that domain name right away. Phew, at least you have a domain for your
idea - who needs an execution when you have the domain right?
My unused domain names
The fact that over 70% of domain names are parked and unused proves that you are not alone. Whether people are buying domain for that startup idea or
you are a profession domainer, the truth is that there are lots of unused domain names in the world.
But the problem isn't that you have many unused domain names, the problem is that buying is easy, but developing a domain name is hard - duh,
that's an obvious question. So what options do we have?
What can we do with unused domains?
So is there a solution? Well, you can park it - if you want your domain to look like the image above and we discussed about the downward trend of
traditional domain parking here.
But it's 2025 and who wants their domain names looking so primitive? Those pages provide little to no value.
But at the same time we need to provide users with the tools which help them quickly set up their domain names without spending too much time,
effort and money. That's where Newsy comes in.
Newsy is a domain parking tool, that takes your unused domain name and turn it into a fully automated, fully functional web application that
acts much like Reddit. It is a content aggregator and content-based community. People can visit your domain name and read through niche-topic high quality
articles and media and actually be informed and receive value.
In addition, we've built numerous features on Newsy so that you get the most out of your domain. Some of these features are auto-enabling of
HTTPS (to help you get that increased domain authority), the ability to send email under your domain name via GMail. Newsy also has
numerous integrations with Slack, Discord, Google Search Console, Google Analytics, WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, YouTube etc.
Another important aspect is the actual monetization of your domain name. Newsy allows you to bring your own ads. These ads are yours and
Newsy does not take any commission off these sales.
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