Validate your startup idea with Newsy - a new ay of domain parking

When you hear the word Domain Parking, what picture comes to your mind? I bet you it's similar to the image shown below.
The old way of domain parking
Or what about this girl?
The old way of domain parking
Yes, back in the early 2000, she used to be on every single domain parking page. But I digress. Is this really how we want the 70% of the Internet to be? (yes, it turns out 70% of the Internet is parked domains!) Well, I seriously hope not.

Newsy - A really, actually useful domain parking for everyone.

We built Newsy for one purpose in mind. We wanted to make good use of all of our own idle and unused domain names, not with traditional parking pages, but something modern, useful, functional and something that you will actually enjoy using.
Newsy creates a content-aggregation site for your domain based on niche keywords you define. Newsy then automates the entire process with a host of useful features. Your site will ultimately become an automated Reddit for a niche topic. (You can read more about Newsy in this article or watch its overview video here.)
But one really awesome use case for many of Newsy's users has been a rather unexpected one, that is validating your business idea. In this document, we will explain how Newsy allows you to test your ideas and actually build a small community around the topic that you are interested in, which you can take an advantage of when you finally decide to work on that idea.

💡 Domain for your idea!

So you bought that shiny new domain name for your new idea - great. The problem is you already have 5 other ideas (along with 5 other domain names you previously purchased). So you put your domain on Newsy (as any wise entrepreneur should! 😎) and create a content-based community around the idea that you have for your domain name.
Over time, your Newsy site starts to gain some traffic, discover some really helpful articles and videos around that idea you have and its market. Through reading through these discovered articles yourself, you actually learn more about the problem space that you want to work on. What's more, traffic to your Newsy site actually converts to newsletter subscribers and real users registering and creating an account as a member.
Since you now have direct access to those users, you can email them, ask them questions about who they are and actually engage with real users who just might be the target audience you need when you actually work on that idea later.
Over the space of 6 months, Newsy has collected over 200 email addresses whom you can directly reach out to and when you have an MVP you want to test out, you have a focused group of users who might be interested in your product.
But the story doesn't end there. You can keep using the Newsy as a type of Lead Generation tool and it also helps you to establish a reputation as someone who is familiar with the niche subject that your site and your idea are about.
And well, the rest is history.

Business is hard. A startup is even harder. MVP is still expensive. De-risk it with Newsy.

What we all lack is time. And though you bought that domain name, if you have many things going on, it's unlikely you'll work on that idea any time soon. The best thing you can do for your domain name is kickstart a content-based community. It will gain some valueable SEO and backlinks for you. It will build traffic over time and have real users engaging with your site. If you finally decide to work on your idea, then you have something you can start off immediately. Newsy gives you a super affordable and efficient way to validate your idea without you having to invest so much time into it.
Let's Get Started!

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